ta da!

so I mussed around with the page until it's right, I think... I should really take the time to learn about these new non-html languages, but really... I don't want to... perhaps a book will work instead of the laborious research done online while trying to create a layout... I just would rather spend my time doing other things... I did figure out how to drop my cam stuff into the page....

it's about 11 and I am off to do pottery things... with the sun out and the day shaping up to be beautiful I wish I was heading out the river to bask in the rays and paddle around in the country river water... play on the rope swing... enjoy the low key hospitality of the natives... usually in the form of offered alcohol & other substances... but alas, I have to make time pottery and my internship... and there is a present that must be finished for a wedding...

speaking of wedding... I have to go solo... thought about asking the viking if he wanted to go but he'll be baseball gaming in Baltimore and I had the impression that no matter how good of a time we could have, he wouldn't be dragged to a wedding...

I'm wondering what's up with him the last week... I wonder if I turned down his invitations to often and he just stopped trying.. on my end, though, I have called a couple of times to try to initiate a hanging out... who knows. perhaps there's just something or someone a little more shiny this week so he is distracted. I'm not so much worried about him not wanting me in a physical or relationship sense.. but that by allowing him what I did, I've entered that "female friend with benefits but less information" gray area... he's worth more to me as a friend that will talk openly with me than someone I can whisper with in the shadows.. I suppose only time will really show what's going on...

there are more thoughts circulating in my noggin' but I'm feeling restless and want to get on to pottery... and a tea gathering errand afterwards...

06.24.04 : 10:49 a.m.
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