
so i got an urge to walk around the park near my new home, as it's only a few blocks away and i wanted to poke around a little bit... jeff and i took roxy, the very excited nearly chokes to death on her collar dog and went walking around, following paths into the woods, investigating... there were several really cool spots, or at least if i was 10 years younger would have been right up my alley.. cool climbing trees, gulleys into the woods, trailing down by the train tracks. we wander up to the hill top, where i find chess tables and benches overlooking a soccer field. neat little park.. lots of area, green, tall trees...

so head back, trying to catch a 8:35 movie, wanting some tea and a cigarette... as we get to his house, i spot a regular from the bookstore... he always smells of patchouli, sensual.. but not on him. nice guy, though. so as we're talking, roxy goes bonkers on her lease, breath whistling past the choke collar.. another dog, a big dog.. i love big dogs.. as the beautifully angular young guy on the other end of the lease looked down to help dodge his dog around the agitated rox, i caught a side view of a very familiar face... a very familiar face from 9th grade... into the woods at cox high school in va. beach... 300 or so miles away. he played cindarella's prince charming. asked me to the prom, his 12th grade prom. first excuse to ever really dress up. high heels, slinky dark blue spagetti strap dress... to go out in, be sexy, have fun... but i didn't go with him, i wanted the baker and he wanted me, by chance his date (his bestfriend) wanted cindarella's prince... so we swapped. i had a blast, the baker and i set up a tent and snogged all night long... not sure how Cin's prince faired with the exchange.. and now 12 years later we cross paths in the small city under the star. strange.

he knows where i work. i wonder if i'll see him again.

07.20.04 : 11:05 p.m.
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