my friend, the crow

i think that i stay away from sitting down in front of this because if i sit down, i'll ramble... really isn't that the point of this thing? to record thoughts and wanders.. i should be better about writing...

i wandered today with a darkly clad boy in the rain.. actually drove.. good conversations, laughs.. he is more than what he seems.. but what's funny is that the stereotype is what i was expecting... black clad goth boy with long hair and a penchant for melodic industrial music... not sure if his enjoyment of the day was merely a release from solitude or if he really digs me.. he intrigues me... has seen his share of pain, despair, lost friends... his sentiments he shared mirror mine in an eerie way.. he talks music and passion like i do... that intrigues me now more than his ghostly pale, black clad limbs...

we listened to music, traded experiences and moments... watched Neverwhere .. lazy day at home, hanging out.. very cool.

laughs it's funny that for someone who is not looking for a relationship, i keep finding myself in this place with guys.. hrmm.

so there was a click i think.. guess it's back to we'll see...

early morning and then onto a long hollows weekend.. friday, costumes and drinks.. saturday, party at my house... this is my holiday.. this time of year taps something in me.. i feel myself reflected in the crisp blue fall sky and the soft misty chilling rain..


10.29.04 : 12:02 a.m.
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