all about the music

i was going to say that i often find myself in front of this screen blank, as a fart even.... but really i sit and procrastinate with the words that would most freely come....

can i apply my ventures into the world of fuck it, here and just let everything go? trust in my fellow diarykeepers, trust in my friends...

i still haven't searched out the truth of Y and myself... and yes, i am chewing on it, a little bit... trying not to think about it... not thinking about where the friendship will take us... we seem to be in this symbiotic crash at each others house thing... he's stayed a couple of times, is in my bed currently, sleeping off a hard night of tea and foot snuggles

why is it such a foreign concept, to a girl who had mostly guy friends, to have a guy crash, in my bed, and not have him try anything... perhaps because in having invited him to crash... there was the permission to curl into bed with me... shrugs does that make sense?

regardless, i'm enjoying the music... which we love... and we share... and the little bit of warmth...

it doesn't matter where it goes... just as long as it stays as cool... and the music continues...

it's all about the music..


11.27.04 : 12:52 p.m.
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