christmas playmates

it's about 5 am.. and again i will see the sun rise. Y has done this to me. We stay up and play, listen to music and the hours trail us behind. and so the sun rises.. and we fall into bed, platonically, slowly creeping into an area of comfort.. two creatures feeling their way around the possible pain.. at least i think that's the way of it. things are shifting slightly, i don't know what we are doing... but if i'm smiling, i suppose, really, i shouldn't question it...

he has the possibility of playing the drums for a metal band currently on tour... put some things together, boot camp get in shape routine, beg borrow and steal to get his kit and shit together... i know he has it in him, it's in his blood... he hears the music, i think... and that's probably why i find him a fellow playmate.. i have a way with falling for musicians..

(slight break to hammer out my christmas list... yes, i still have most of my shopping to do.. who me, procrastinate?)

will be making things this year... funds are a little low, so creativity springs from necessity...

must get up at a decent hour... must start work on the giftings.


12.21.04 : 4:58 a.m.
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