a quickie

interesting to me that the more i do in my daily life the less i update here... why is that? adventures for another days story... life doesn't seem to inspire me to write... i find words hard to fit some of the moments i find in my wanderings... little things to pull a smile onto my face..

walked out of walmart last night, thanks izza for dragging me as the crowd was worth the supergirl tank i found... as i cornered the building, the one night old full moon crested through the silver edged clouds against the silouette of the mountains...amazing... a moment that has made me smile for 24 hours... that and being coccooned in warmth at Y's...

music and moonlite skies for me..

oh and the flu, but even that didn't bring me down...

holidays were good... i was well taken care of by friends... the eve consisted of visiting Y's family with the intention of heading off to Loki's to play pool and have a couple holiday drinks, reap the scrumptious rewards of an earlier family xmas repast... we got stalled when a family member broke out the handles of rum and vodka... to delay and finally crash a couple blocks over crown to crown curled up with Y on the couch...

wanting to write but feeling rushed by the proximity of one with possible bad news...

finish this later...


12.27.04 : 7:10 p.m.
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