30 seconds to Mars

picture this, the alarm goes off... only 5 hours into a good nights dreams... i reach, only to roll over Y to snooze the alarm...

mild interruption of about 3 hours for Jason Voorhees and tea, pink floyd and mace admiring

we list back off... we loll, snoozing, dozing, shifting around, entwining, the warmth of us almost too much under the flannel and fuzzy layers... his J_____ the H________ M_____ dark and edged against his pale silk arm peeking out the jumbles of covers... begging to be kissed, licked... skin entices me... the scent of it, when well matched, is all the foreplay i need... sensory creature that i am...

i'm about at the end of my patience... the animal is rousing it's head, proof being in the pictures that have started to play in my head.. mostly kung fu action moves involving being "handled" snickers... so i've been told and me, sitting astride, lost in the thrum of us, head thrown back, back arched, defenses forgotten... oh to let go...

so, there's a new years soiree planned... and as usual, the evening has crept up on me... i will be cleaning tomorrow before work and probably stopping somewhere on the way home new years eve to pick up nibblets and beverages... hrmm... i'll have to work that out, perhaps Ladybug can be appealed to for aid in the procurring of the essentials of new years merriment...

i still need a mask... shit. craft shop it is... it will have to be tomorrow after cleaning and before work... with an after close plan for bead and feather work.. here's to hot glue guns...

to read and then dream... hoping Y will come and crawl in bed with me when he's done... bizarre behavior for one not getting any


12.29.04 : 11:28 p.m.
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