support your local music scene... sleep with a musician

i've been staring at a blank screen for 10 minutes now... and i want to write... bleed off the vein... but it's the same shit... always... my thoughts seem mundane and unrecountable...

perhaps what i need is inspiration...

i've realized that some of the reason i have allowed my life to be saturated by Y is an apathy for where i am... i crave something different... something real to me... work hasn't seemed real in a while.. money, real because of the system set up around us... the city made real to me only by the people i meet.. the adventures.. the shows, the music... that is where i need to be... in the midst of things... doings that i'm passionate about... how do i do that?

as a side note, saw a guy wearing a t shirt i found worthy of a snicker...

"Support Your Local Music Scene... Sleep with a Musician"


been listening to Chevelle a lot lately... if you are a Tool fan i would highly suggest buying their cd... any cd...

02.05.05 : 11:25 p.m.
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